Our Environmental Commitment
At WWTT we’re focused not only on continuously reducing our own footprint and the development of our own product ranges, but those of our supply chain too. As markets change and design demands evolve, we continue to set the bar high while offering cost - effective design solutions.

Protecting Australian Forests
Forests are a precious living resource, providing food, heat, energy, medicine, timber, paper and an extensive variety of products. In fact, more than one in five people worldwide – an estimated two billion people – are believed to depend on forests and the resources they provide for their livelihoods, yet forests are among the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems.
Forests provide habitats for more than half of the earth’s living species, including our own unique Australian fauna. Forests also provide water for many of our rivers, helping to secure the quality and purity of what we drink and use every day.
Forests are also of significant economic importance. In Australia, the forest and wood manufacturing industries generate more than AU$23.5 billion a year and employ an estimated 64,000 Australians. In order to maintain the full range of benefits that people and nature are dependent on, forests need to be conserved and managed responsibly.
Sustainability and environmental awareness are at the core of this approach. The key concept of sustainability focuses on today’s generation meeting its needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Certification is the tool used to verify that a forest is sustainably managed and to connect the consumer with the sustainable origins of their products. Worldwide Timber Traders are certified to maintain the chain of custody (CoC) in the manufacturing and supply of PEFC™ products including; solid timbers, timber veneer, plywoods, laminates, MDF and more.
As well as providing assurance of sustainable practices, forest certification empowers consumers and companies to choose sustainably-sourced products, thereby allowing responsible forest owners to be rewarded.
This means; responsible businesses, public authorities, organisations and consumers alike can use their purchasing power to support the sustainable management of Australia’s forests.
To download our PEFC Certificate, please click here.

Green Star Projects
Green Star assesses the sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings, fitouts and communities. By choosing Green Star, you can save money, create a healthy space for people, minimise your environmental footprint and build a better, cleaner future for all of us.
Our human-made environment is currently the world’s single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and also consumes around a third of our water, and generates around 40% of our waste. From individual buildings to entire communities, Green Star is transforming the way our built environment is designed, constructed and operated.
Launched by the Green Building Council of Australia in 2003, Green Star is Australia’s solitary rating system for building structures and communities. Green Star is helping to improve environmental efficiencies in our buildings, while increasing productivity, generating more jobs and improving the health and well-being of our communities.